Monday, June 29, 2009

Snag A Man Plan #2 - Follow Your Nose

It's A here.
So we all know that athe way to a guy's heart is through his stomach. When I was in college, my roommate and I had a brilliant idea to make this work for us. We collected all the candy our moms had sent us in care packages and created a candy trail from the stairwell to our room. And then we waited for the men to come. And a few did, mostly out of curiosity or hunger, but we'll take what we can get. The only problem was keeping them in our room long enough to strike up a conversation in hopes that they would fall madly in love with us. Needless to say, once the candy was gone, so were the men.

So here's the snag-a-man plan for the modern woman: open windows and a delicious meal simmering in the Crock Pot. It's simple, really. Throw in some tasty ingredients (I'd recommend some kind of meat dish. Men like meat!) and open all the windows so the smell can waft out to your neighbors. If all your neighbors are retired folks, like mine seem to be, then walk very slowly past a fire station, with your Crock Pot in your arms. Then wait for the men to follow their noses right into your kitchen, and subsequently, your heart. But this time have some conversation starters on hand, and of course, cookies just ready to come out of the oven. Your witty comments and mad cooking skills will have him captivated.

And before you know it, you have snagged yourself a man. Be prepared for many more Crock pot meal requests, but hey, cooking is a small price to pay for love.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Snag A Man Plan #1 - The Auction

The idea for the auction started simply enough really. A local charity was hosting a bachelor auction at a hotel downtown. The dj on the radio was busy inviting women down to the hotel that night to bid on dates with local firemen. Sounded like a good deal to me. I mean, I'm all for supporting local charities, but the date. With a fireman. That's what really caught my attention.

I was still pondering the idea when I arrived 10 minutes late for work. I suggested that A and might head on down to said hotel and see about scrounging up a date. But in short order we realized 3 small snags in our plan to get a man.

1. We'd be bidding against other women. Maybe a lot of other women. And we don't make a whole lot of money. We'd hardly be able to compete, and would likely end up having to pool our money and split a date.

2. We couldn't be sure that the bachelors we were bidding on were of the high caliber we'd be interested in seeing again. What's the point of winning the bid if the prize is a dud?

3. We might not win a single bid. No win=no date.

Discouragement settled in for about 2 seconds. And then we realized we had all the info we needed to produce our own auction--one we were sure to win.

The new rules were these:

1. Bachelors would be only the highest quality--selected through friends and from local churches and organizations of which we were members.

2. A plethora of bachelors would mean every bidder was bound to be a winner.

3. A charity fund for something very worthy (like our wedding funds) would be set up for all the proceeds to benefit.

4. A few select friends, A, Z, and I would be the only bidders allowed. We'd eliminate all competition simply by limiting the invitation list to just us.

It's an ingenious plan. Practically perfect.

We just haven't tried it ... yet.

If you have, send us pictures and tell us how your man snagging and auction bidding went.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Welcome to Snag A Man

The idea for this blog began one morning on my drive to work. I heard about a charity bachelor auction happening in my city, and when I got to my office, I told my also single office-mate A about a plan I had to meet a man. It involved an auction of sorts ... but I won't go into details about that now.

Since that fateful morning, A and I have brainstormed infinite ways to meet and snag men. We've joined forces with another friend Z to create some of the most ... well ... creative ways to snag a man.

And now we're sharing our brilliant ideas with you.

So sit back, take notes, and discover just what you need to know to SNAG A MAN.

**Disclaimer: Absolutely none of these ideas have been successfully tried on any man. Anywhere. Try at your own risk.